
Voeding- en Dieet adviezen

Verbeter je gezondheid en immuunsysteem, lichaam en geest door middel van de juiste voeding. SPECIALE LOCKDOWN-AANBIEDING, Nijmegen.

Feed me the truth

Voeding is de basis van ons bestaan. Verbeter je gezondheid en immuunsysteem, lichaam en geest door middel van de juiste voeding.

Flexible-minds, Omree Shuval, diëtist en voeding in Nijmegen.

Sessies kunnen geboekt worden in de praktijk in Nijmegen of online.

I am a member of the Dutch Association for Alternative Medicine (VBAG) and registered with the Complementary Healthcare Professionals Organisation (RBCZ and TCZ). I am registered as a oriental medicine therapist specialized in Shiatsu. Treatments are fully or partly covered by the supplementary packages depending on your personal healthcare insurance policy. To find out more, please contact your health insurance or look into your insurance policy. I am registered as a certified dietitian with the Dutch register of health professions (BIG). Diet and nutrition Nijmegen.